How To Rims Store - RHDJapan

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Welcome to the RIMs Store Guide,
Click the topics below to access the information you want directly.

search rims
This is the first page of the RIMS STORE. Search by Catalog and if the RIMS you want are not found, you can request them from the request button on the bottom of the page.

action one My RIMS Store in RIMS Catalog

action two Fill the 4 required fields and Search.

action three Fill the 4 non required fields to make the search more accurate.

action four If your search is unsuccessful you can create YOUR OWN REQUEST. Be sure the format is the exact RIMS format when requesting and searching.
rims catalog
Before purchasing is possible, you need to make a request to confirm stock and pricing.

action one My RIMS Store in RIMS Catalog : Search results.

action two Set quantity and send the request.

Sometimes the RIMS are available so you can add directly to cart.
But most times you will need to request it first.
make a request
Verify and send your request.

action one Verify the RIMS information

action two Send Request

Sometimes the RIMS are available so you can add directly to cart.
But most times you will need to request it first.
requested rims
You can see the status of your requests. Every time the status is updated you will receive an email to inform you of an update.

action one My RIMS Store in Requested RIMS

action two What does the status mean?

1) Pending : We are aggregating all RIMS requests and getting ready to check those with our reps.
2) Processing : Your RIMS Request is processing and we will update you shortly.
3) Placed : You correctly placed your item into your cart.
4) Discontinued : This item is no longer available from the manufacturer.
5) Not Found : The part number is not found.
6) Canceled : This request has been canceled.
7) Expired : The quote request is no longer valid. Please request your item again

action three You can also search from this page.
available rims
You can find your approved requests that are available to be purchased now.

action one My RIMS Store in Requested RIMS

action two How long is the quote valid for.

action three The wheel specifications and lead time information.

action four Add to cart.
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